Monday, 24 August 2009

An amazing photo taken within the eye of Huricane Bill

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability waves in the eye of Bill

Photo credit: Jack Parrish of NOAA's Aircraft Operations Center.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Fighting For Health Insurance Reform

I found this email with a video request from the White House today. Please take the time to read it and view the video. Use it inform the debate about health care this must indeed be done now or make no mistake, there will be no economic long term recovery or financial safety for anyone.

Friday, 7 August 2009

President Obama's Statement On Confirmation of Judge Sotomayor

The following is the President's statement on video after the 68-31 vote affirming Judge Sotomayor's appointment to be the 111th Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Judge Sotomayor is scheduled to be sworn in by Chief Justice Roberts this Saturday (9.Aug. 2009). She will become the first Hispanic justice of the court and only the third female justice. She is an affirmation to me that all is possible in the United States regardless of one's race, gender or station of birth. I can only imagine the source of pride she is to all people of Hispanic heritage and to all reasonable women regardless of their ideological disposition.