Thursday, 27 November 2008

President-Elect Obama's Third Video Weekly Address

Delivered Thanksgiving Day, 27.Nov.2008:

Obama Family Walk The Walk On Thanksgiving

Video from an NBC local affiliate in Chicago of the soon to be first family:

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Meteor Video (Western Canada)

This is video of a meteor visible from an area of western Canada in Saskachawan & Alberta provinces of about 450km diameter at about 17.30 local time near local sunset. Best guess mass was in range of 1-10 tons.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

President-Elect Obama's Second Video Weekly Address

Broadcast on radio and via internet video on 22.Nov.2008:

Senator Boxer Takes Senator Inhofe To The Woodshed

Enjoy! Elections do indeed have consequences.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

President-Elect Barack Obama's Victory Speech

Grant's Park in Chicago about 23.30 EST(-5GMT):

I am near tears still this next day, overwhelmed by the joy of a renewed hope for this world I thought had disappeared from the world in the few years of my boyhood from 1963-1968 in which I saw Jack Kennedy gunned down in Dallas, Dr. King killed in Memphis, and Bobby Kennedy killed in LosAngeles. yes we can :)

Sunday, 2 November 2008

A Most Courageous Act By The Republican Mayor of San Diego, CA

The following video is amazingly poignant. In it the Republican Mayor of San Diego, CA decides to support a city council resolution supporting an amicus brief in favor of gay marriage in California. Please take the time to view this. There are truly some great Republicans left and this calms me, even on the verge of this historic Democratic election in which I strongly hope and believe Barack Obama will be chosen as the 44th President of the US.

Saturday, 1 November 2008